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Metrology Asset Manager
ID: H00012562
Price:  CHF1,500.00
Quick Overview:  What could your business do with real-time performance data about your measuring machines available in a centralised, user-friendly dashboard? You can enhance resource allocation by identifying which site has spare inspection capacity and gain insight into how your systems are used. Remote monitoring and real-time notifications make it easy to address issues on the go, prevent downtime and reduce equipment maintenance costs.

Metrology Asset Manager is split up into four main areas with different metrics: Asset Dashboard, Event Log, Asset Utilization and Overall Equipment Effectiveness.

*The subscriptions are modelled per asset per year.
*If you already have an existing Metrology Asset Manager account, please contact your local Hexagon representative or email Metrology Asset Manager Business Development
to purchase subscriptions.
Price:  CHF12,900.00
Quick Overview:  PC-DMIS Offline enables fast, convenient measurement routine programming and simulation in a fully featured virtual environment. Single User Licence.
  • Part Number:  ROY-CAD++-O
  • Licence Type:  Single User Licence
  • Requirements:  see software requirement tab
  • Price:  Per Licence
Price:  CHF14,800.00
Quick Overview:  PC-DMIS Offline enables fast, convenient measurement routine programming and simulation in a fully featured virtual environment. Multi-user Licence.
  • Part Number:  ROY-CAD++-O-FLOAT
  • Licence Type:  Floating Licence
  • Requirements:  see software requirement tab
  • Price:  Per Licence