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Skladem - Odeslání do 1-2 dnů

Rychlý přehled

The base plate guide rail can align acrylic base plates on the front, side or rear of the measuring envelope of a multisensor CMM.

Swift-Fix enables operators to correctly fixture parts of different shapes, sizes and complexity. It saves time while increasing repeatability and reducing the potential for measurement error.
The base plate guide rail can align acrylic base plates on the front, side or rear of the measuring envelope. Magnetic connection points enable fast and repeatable change of plates. In addition to maximising flexibility, it leaves the rear of the machine clear for the qualification artefact and the tip changer.

For more information, please visit the Swift-Fix website or download the CAD-file of the part: Step File

Kompatibilita desek FV-BP200/200C 
Závit Without Thread 
Materiál Hliník 
Stáhnout CAD soubor Popis 
Délka 480 mm
Šířka 20 mm
Hmotnost 492 g